
    The Materials Genome Institute (MGI) of Shanghai University started in early 2012. In recent years, under the encouragement and promotion of Academician Xu Kuangdi, former dean of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Shanghai University's material genomics research has a strong academic atmosphere and active research communications. In May 2012, it held the first "material genomics engineering" academic forum in China. Academicians Xu Kuangdi, Academician Wang Chongyu, and Academician Cui Junzhi attended the academic forum and made academic reports from nearly 20 experts from home and abroad. In the same year, they received the “085” special high-level financial support from the Municipal Education Commission to launch the “Material Genetic Engineering” study. In April 2014, the 6th Inorganic Materials Special-Material Genomics Engineering Research Progress Seminar, co-sponsored by the China Institute of Ceramics, the Chinese Academy of Engineering's Department of Chemical Engineering, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, and Shanghai University, was held at Shanghai University. In the past few years, the Materials Genomics Research of Shanghai University has been accelerating the research and development concept of materials such as “high degree of integration, integration of data and computing, research and application”, and has accumulated a great deal in scientific research, team building, platform architecture and personnel training. A lot of basic work has been done on database construction, integrated computing and software development, structural and physical representation, service and failure.

    In July 2014, Academician Zhang Tongyi joined Shanghai University and was appointed as the Dean of the Institute. Academician Xu Kuangdi was appointed as the honorary dean and the Institute was formally established. Under the Institute, the Materials Science Center, Materials Science Database Center, Materials Characterization Science and Technology Research Institute, Intelligent Materials and Applied Technology Research Institute, Advanced Energy Materials Research and Development Center and other units. At present, the institute has a research team consisting of 6 academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (including 4 part-time employees), 1 "973" chief scientist, and 4 national outstanding youth fund winners. In the research direction of structural materials, energy materials, intelligent and functional materials, it has formed a distinctive research base, and has undertaken more than 50 national and national science and technology projects in 973, 863 and National Natural Science Foundation. Under the leadership of the Shanghai Municipal Government, as the lead unit, he cooperated with Fudan University, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai Materials Research Institute, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Shanghai Light Source) and other units. Construction of “Shanghai Materials Genomics Engineering Research Institute”. In terms of high-level personnel training, in accordance with international standards, docking materials science frontier original innovation and advanced manufacturing application needs.

    The Materials Genome Institute (MGI) intends to build a world-class MGI research platform. MGI has well-equipped laboratory facilities and outstanding faculty members, including six academicians of the Chinese Academy of Science and the Chinese Academy of Engineering. It has established collaborations with more than twenty prestigious oversea institutes and universities.


    Materials research paradigm transformation

    Global-local intelligent cluster

    Integrated materials computation, experiments, and big-data

    Educate the next generation materials workforce.


    World-class MGI research center

    Cutting-edge materials research