

    Honorary Director of MGI: Prof. Kuang-Di Xu

    He is a Professor of Shanghai University working in the field of iron and steel metallurgy. For his research he won the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Science and Technology award in 2003 and the Royal Academy of Engineering International Medal in 2008. Currently he is the Honorary Chair of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and also the Vice-Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He is a Foreign Academician of the Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering, Honorary Academician of British Royal Academy of Engineering (2003), Honorary Fellow of the Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (2007), Honorary Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers, and in 1995 he was elected an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.


    Chair of Academic Committee: Prof. Yong Gan
    He is the leading world expert in the field of iron and steel metallurgy. Currently he is the head of the Central Iron and Steel Research Institute, president of the China Iron and Steel Research Institute Group, vice-president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and a delegate to the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He is also a member of the CAE chair committee, president of Chinese Society of Rare Earths and the Chinese Society for Metals, vice-president of the Chinese Materials Research Society, and director of the National Engineering Research Center for Continuous Steel Casting. He was elected to the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2001.


    MGI Director: Prof. Tong-Yi Zhang

    He is the founding dean of the Materials Genome Institute, Shanghai University, and the founding dean of the Shanghai Materials Genome Institute. From 1993 to 2015, he worked at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, as Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor, Chair Professor, and Fang Professor of Engineering. His research interests include mechanical properties of materials, micro/nanomechanics, materials informatics, and mechanics informatics. He was a vice president of the International Congress on Fracture (ICF) 2013-2017 and now is a director of ICF executive committee. He was a vice president of The Far East and Oceanic Fracture Society 2001-2016. He was a recipient of the 2018 Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress from the HLHL Foundation, the Second Prizes of 2007 and 1987 State Natural Science Award, China, and the 1988 National Award for Young Scientists, China. He became ICF Fellow in 2013, Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences in 2012, Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2011, Senior Research Fellow of Croucher Foundation, Hong Kong, in 2003, Fellow of ASM International, USA, in 2001. He was Associate Editor-in-Chief of Science China Technological Sciences 2013 – 2017 and Editor-in-Chief since 2018. He is also Fracture and Continuum Mechanics Subject-Editor of the journal, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics (2013 – present).