

    The Shanghai Institute of Materials Genome (SiMG) was approved to establish by the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission at the end of 2014. The first members of the institute include Shanghai University, Shanghai Materials Research Institute, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai National Light Source Science Center, East China University of Science and Technology, and Fudan University. Collaborate with universities and research institutes. Under the framework of material genome engineering, the Institute has carried out a lot of basic research in the fields of material gene database, integrated computing and software development, high-throughput material preparation and characterization, service and failure mechanism, scientific research, technology development and base construction works. Academician Tongyi Zhang is the dean of the Institute.  

    Mission of SiMG:

    1) Serving the national social and economic development
    2) Committed to material research method integration and discipline integration
    3) Committed to the transformation of materials research culture and development model
    4) Committed to cultivating materials, genome engineering, compound talents
    5) Advance the original innovation and technological progress of materials science

    Position and Objects:

    Under the leadership of the Shanghai Municipal Government, collaboratively integrate Shanghai universities and research institutes and enterprises, absorb domestic and international high-quality resources, focus on the major applications and discoveries of materials, and integrate “database-material calculation-preparation-characterization-enforcement and failure-application” The process, innovative R&D model, accelerated R&D speed, reduced R&D costs, driven by innovation, serving high-end manufacturing and strategic emerging industries in Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta region, and building a globally influential material genetic technology innovation center!