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    In order to better serve the national strategy, it will strongly support Shanghai's “four centers” and the construction of global influence and technology innovation centers. The Municipal Education Commission will combine Shanghai according to the “Shanghai Higher Education Discipline Development and Optimization Plan (2014-2020)”. The actual situation of the development of related disciplines in colleges and universities was decided to be initiated by Shanghai University and Shanghai Jiaotong University. Fudan University, East China University of Science and Technology, Tongji University, Donghua University, Shanghai University of Technology, Shanghai University of Applied Sciences, Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology, Shanghai The Second Class of Materials Science and Engineering, which was jointly participated by the Second University of Technology and the Shanghai Institute of Electrical Engineering, gave solid support to the Shanghai Innovation Institute for Materials, which is based on the discipline.

    Guided by the needs of Shanghai's high-end manufacturing industry and strategic emerging industries, Shanghai Materials Innovation Institute condenses the high-quality resources of Shanghai University and Shanghai Jiaotong University, and participates in the direction of the dominant disciplines of the universities. It cooperates with the world's top research institutions and builds into The international advanced, domestic leading, industry-university research and research combined with the new material research and development innovation core base and the world-class material discipline talent highland, accelerate the development of Shanghai's material industry, establish and consolidate Shanghai and even China's leading position in the field of materials.

    The Institute learns from the characteristics of the organization and operation of internationally renowned national laboratories. The Board of Directors is the leader and important decision-making body of major development strategies and management. It is composed of the leading universities and the relevant school leaders of the participating institutions, and clarifies the personnel of each synergy unit. Responsibility for resources, achievements, intellectual property rights, etc., review, inspect and supervise the progress of finance, management and construction of Class IV construction of materials disciplines to ensure the smooth implementation of the synergy mechanism in the same city.