
    Free Blood Donation and Positive Energy Transferring
    创建时间:  2018-04-24  吕涛    浏览次数:

    The annual blood donation activity was started again this spring. Comrade Chen Fei, a member of the Party Committee of MGI, took the initiative to sign the name at the first time of the school's blood donation initiative, and volunteered to contribute a love to the society. On the morning of April 23, accompanied by Mrs. Yu Ganying, the secretary of the Party branch of MGI, Mr. Chen came to the University hospital early. After filling out the form, blood pressure measurement, blood test and other procedures, he successfully passed the tests and represented our institute. On the blood donation position, he rolled up his sleeves and extended his arms... Including the secretary of the Materials College, Wang Linjun, Deputy Secretary Xi Huixia, and Chairman Gu Feng, went to the scene to express their condolences.

    Looking around, every university staff and student who donated blood is very calm. When a blood flow into the blood bag, a piece of love is dedicated to the society, and the opportunity of one life is passed to those in need. They used practical actions to interpret the traditional virtues of helping others, saving lives, and selfless dedication. Let us pay tribute to everyone who gives blood and delivers positive energy without paying!

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