
    Qianqian Li
    创建时间:  2018-07-06  吕涛    浏览次数:

    NAME Qianqian Li
    TITLE/POSITION Associate professor
    Website https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Qianqian_Li6
    EMAIL qianqianli@shu.edu.cn
    Education 2014/9-2017/08:   Postdoctoral research associate in Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, United States.
    2009/09-2014/07:  Ph.D. in Institute of Applied Mechanics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
    2005/09-2009/06:   B.S. in School of Material Science and Engineering, University of Jinan, Jinan, China.
    Research Interests

    Qianqian Li is an associate professor in Materials Genome Institute at Shanghai University, Shanghai, China.  Her research area of interest includes in-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and other related characterization tools, energy storage behaviors of electrodes for rechargeable batteries and supercapacitor, and synthesis and modification of functional materials.  Until to February 2019, she has published more than 40 journal papers, and the citation is more than 1,000 times. The h-index is 18.

    Significant Recognition Young Oriental Scholarship, 2017;
    National Natural Science Foundation for Young Scientist of China, 2018.
    Selected Publications

    1. Li, Q. Q.; Xu, Y. B.; Yao, Z. P.; Kang J.; Liu X. L.; Wolverton, C.; Hersam M. C.; Wu, J. S.; Dravid, V. P.; Revealing the Effects of Electrode Crystallographic Orientation on Battery Electrochemistry via the Anisotropic Lithiation and Sodiation of ReS2. ACS Nano 2018, 12, 7875-7882.

    2. Ma, Z. T.; Lyu, Y. C.; Yang H. S.; Li, Q. Q.*; Guo B. K.*; Nie A. M.*; Systematic investigation of the Binder's role in the electrochemical performance of tin sulfide electrodes in SIBs. Journal of Power Source 2018, 401, 195-203.

    3. Li, Q. Q.; J. S. Wu; Yao, Z. P.; Xu, Y. B.; Thackeray, M. M.; Wolverton, C.; Dravid, V. P.; Dynamic Imaging of Metastable Reaction Pathways in Lithiated Cobalt Oxide Electrodes. Nano Energy 2018, 44, 15-22.

    4. Liu, H. G.; Li, Q. Q. (Co-first Author); Yao, Z. P.; Li, L.; Li, Y.; Wolverton, C.; Hersam, M. C.; Wu, J. S.; Dravid, V. P.; Origin of Fracture-Resistance to Large Volume Change in Cu-Substituted Co3O4 Electrodes. Advanced Materials 2017, 1704851.

    5. Li, Q. Q.; Yao, Z. P.; Wu, J. S.; Mitra, S.; Hao, S. Q.; Sahu, T. S.; Li, Y.; Wolverton, C.;Wu, J. S.; Dravid, V. P.; Intermediate Phase in Sodium Intercalation into MoS2 Nanosheets and Their Implications for Sodium-Ion Batteries. Nano Energy 2017, 38, 342-349.

    6. Li, Q. Q.; Liu, H. G.; Yao, Z. P.; Cheng, J. P.; Wolverton, C.;Wu, J. S.; Dravid, V. P.; Electrochemical of Sodium and Lithium with Selenium: Kinetics and Reaction Mechanism. ACS Nano 2016, 10, 8788-8795.

    7. Yu, J.; Li, Q. Q. (Co-first Author); Li, Y.; Xu, C. Y.; Zhen, L.; Dravid, V. P.; Wu, J. S.; Ternary Metal Phosphide with Triple-Layered Structure as a Low-Cost and Efficient Electrocatalyst for Bifunctional Water Splitting. Advanced Functional Materials 2016, 26, 7644-7651.

    8. Li, Q. Q.; Wu, J. S.; Dravid, V. P.; Synergistic Sodiation of Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles and Conductive Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) for Sodium-ion Battery. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2016, 4, 8669-8675.

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