
    Wei Xie
    创建时间:  2019-12-12  吕涛    浏览次数:

    NAME Wei Xie
    TITLE/POSITION Associate Researcher
    PHONE (021)66135807
    EMAIL xiewei@xielab.org, weixie4@shu.edu.cn
    WEB http://www.xielab.org

    • 2019/9-, Shanghai University, Materials Genome Institute, Faculty
    • 2016-2019, University of California, Berkeley, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Postdoctoral Scholar
    • 2014-2016, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Research Associate (Postdoc)

    • 2009-2014, PhD, Materials Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison
    • 2004-2008, B.E., Polymer Materials and Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology 

    Academic Genealogy https://academictree.org/chemistry/tree.php?pid=785365

    RESEARCH INTERESTS Develop improved theory and method for first-principles based modeling of materials with strong vibronic coupling, anharmonicity, disorder and imperfections at finite temperature.
    Understand known materials related to multiscale structure, energetics, dynamics, and transport using quantum and statistical mechanics, phenomenological models, multiscale simulations, and symmetry and bonding analysis.
    Discover new materials and phenomena using rational design, high-throughput screening, and data analytics approaches (e.g., machine learning).
    Focuses: 1) phenomena: excited states quantum dynamics; charge/energy/mass transport; spontaneous symmetry breaking; 2) functions: electronic, optical, optoelectronic, and (multi)ferroic; 3) applications: information, energy, environment, luminescence and manufacturing.

    AWARDS AND HONORS 1. David Turnbull Research Paper Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, 2014
    2. CALPHAD Scholarship, CALPHAD Inc., USA, 2013
    3. MMM Student Scholarship (withdrawn), 6th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, Singapore, 2012
    4. Travel Award, 2nd F-BRIDGE School 2011, Cambridge, UK, 2011
    5. Outstanding Graduate Award, Beijing Municipal Education Commission, China, 2008
    6. National Second Prize (twice), China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, 2006 and 2007
    7. Best Paper Award, 2nd China Undergraduate Mathematical Modeling Summer Camp, Beijing, China, 2006







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