
    Lijuan Zhao
    创建时间:  2018-07-05  吕涛    浏览次数:

    NAME Lijuan Zhao
    BIRTH DATE Oct. 1978
    TITLE/POSITION Associate Professor
    PHONE +86-21-69982225
    EMAIL zhaolijuan@t.shu.edu.cn

    Ph.D. Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong, China
    B.S. Nanijing University, Nanjing, China

    Research Interests

    Dr Lijuan Zhao obtained her PhD in 2007 from HKUST. She joined in Donghua University (Shanghai) as a faculty in 2008. From 2011 to 2014, she worked as a postdoctal fellow in Fudan University. She has joined in Shanghai University since 2016. She is interested in the preparation and optical properties of low-dimensional materials and the corresponding applications. She has published  more than 20  papers in scientific journals such as Advanced Functional Materials, Ceramics International, Applied Physics Letter,etc.. She has presided over or participated in several national and provincial projects.

    Selected Publications

    1C. Sun, Y. Gu, W. Wen, L. Zhao, ZnSe based semiconductor core-shell structures: From preparation to application, Optical Materials, 2018, 81, 12-22.

    2L. J. Zhao, C. C. Sun, G. Tian, Q. Pang, Multiple-shell ZnSe core-shell spheres and their improved photocatalytic activity, Journal of colloid and Interface Science, 2017, 502, 1-7.

    3Tian Gang, Ye Xin, Wang Chunrui, Pang Qi, *Zhao Lijuan, Synthesis and characterization of CdSe/CdTe heterostructured nano-tetrapods, Ceramics International, 2016, 42: 2510-2514.

    4 L. J. Zhao, L. F. Hu and X. S. Fang, Growth and device application of CdSe nanostructures, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2012, 22: 1551-1566.

    5*L. J. Zhao, Q. Pang, W. K. Ge and J. N. Wang, Investigating the growth mechanism of CdSe nano-tetrapods, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2012, 137: 98-104.

    6 L. J. Zhao and L. F. Hu, Synthesis and applications of CdSe nano-tetrapods in hybrid photovoltaic devices, Pure Appl. Chem., 2012,84, 2549-2558.

    7*L. J. Zhao, Q. Pang, S. H. Yang, W. K. Ge, J. N. Wang, Photoluminescence of colloidal CdSe nano-tetrapods and quantum dots in oxygenic and oxygen-free environments, Appl. Phys. A, 2011, 103: 279-283.

    8*L. J. Zhao, Q. Pang, S. H. Yang, W. K. Ge, J. N. Wang, Optical properties of colloidal CdSe tetrapod nanocrystals, Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2010, 29: 167-171.

    9*L. J. Zhao, Q.Pang, S. H. Yang, W. K. Ge and J. N. Wang, Realization and field emission of CdSe nano-tetrapods with different arm lengths, Physics Letters A, 2009, 373: 2965-2968.

    10L. J. Zhao, Q. Pang, Y. Cai, N. Wang, W. K. Ge, J. N. Wang, and S. H. Yang, Vertically aligned ZnSe nanoribbon arrays: microstructure and field emission, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 2007, 40: 3587.

    11Lijuan Zhao, Bei Zhang, Qi Pang, Shihe Yang, Xixiang Zhang, Weikun Ge, Jiangnong Wang, Chemical synthesis and magnetic properties of dilute magnetic ZnTe:Cr crystals, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2006, 89: 092111.

    Website http://my.shu.edu.cn/cn/zhaolijua

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