
    Shigang Lu
    创建时间:  2021-05-17  吕涛    浏览次数:


    Shigang LU









    Ph.D.,Moscow State University,Moscow,Russia

    B.S.,Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China

    Research Interests

    Shigang Lu is the Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Shanghai University. He is interested in the battery technology for electric vehicle and energy storage. He has published more than 100 journal papers and more than 100 patents.

    Significant Recognition

    First Grade Prize for China nonferrous metal industry science and Technology Award in 2002 with “lithium ion battery and the electrode materials”;

    First Grade Prize for China nonferrous metal industry science and Technology Award in 2010 with “lithium ion battery and the electrode materials for electric vehicle”;

    First Grade Prize for China nonferrous metal industry science and Technology Award in 2017 with “lithium ion battery with high energy density and the cathode materials for electric vehicle”;

    Second Grade Prize for China nonferrous metal industry science and Technology Award in 2020 with “High energy battery with high nickel NMC cathode material for electric vehicle”.

    Selected Publications

    1. Yun Feng ling; Jin Wei ren; Tang Ling; Li Wencheng; Pang Jing; Lu Shi gang*,Analysis of Capacity Fade from Entropic Heat Coefficient of Li[NixCoyMnz]O-2/Graphite Lithium Ion Battery,Journal of the Electrochemical Society,2016(163):A639-643

    2. Zhang Haiyan; Pang Jing; Ai Xinping; Cao Yuliang; Yang Hanxi; Lu Shigang*,Poly(3-butylthiophene)-based positive-temperature-coefficient electrodes for safer lithium-ion batteries,Electrochimica Acta,2016(187):173-178

    3. Zeng-hua Chang,Jian-tao Wang,Zhao-hui Wu,Min Gao,Shuai-jin Wu,and Shi-gang Lu,The Electrochemical Performance of Silicon Nanoparticles in Concentrated Electrolyte,ChemSusChem,2018(11):1787-1796

    4. Zeng-hua Chang,  Xiang Li,Feng-ling Yun, Ze-chao Shao, Zhao-hui Wu, Jian-tao Wang,and Shi-gang Lu,Effect of Dual-Salt Concentrated Electrolytes on the Electrochemical Performance of Silicon Nanoparticles,ChemSusChem,2020(7):1135-1141

    5. Huaifang Shang,Fanghua Ning,Biao Li,Yuxuan Zuo,Shigang Lu,Dingguo Xia,Suppressing Voltage Decay of Lithium-Rich Cathode Material by Surface Enrichment with Atomic Ruthenium,2018(10):21349-21355

    6. X. Li, J. Liang, N. Chen, J. Luo, K. Adair, C. Wang, M. Banis, T.-K. Sham, L. Zhang, S. Zhao, S. Lu, H. Huang, R. Li, X. Sun*,Water‐Mediated Synthesis of a Superionic Halide Solid Electrolyte,Angew. Chem., Int. Ed.,2019(58):1-7

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