
    MGI's First Material Design Forum Successfully Held in SHU
    创建时间:  2019-09-22  吕涛    浏览次数:

    On the afternoon of September 21, 2019, the first MGI Material Design Forum of Shanghai University was successfully held in Conference Room 510, Building 7, East District, Shanghai University. Since the registration started in July, the event has attracted enthusiastic enrollment of graduate students from various universities in Shanghai. After the college's research review, more than 10 speakers including Fudan University, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Normal University, and Shanghai University attended the forum. They uphold the concept of common learning and common progress to share their latest research results. Professor Liu Yi, deputy dean of the Institute of Materials Genomic Engineering, Shanghai University, and Lin Yinyin, a graduate counselor, attended the forum.

    Professor Liu Yi, deputy dean of the Institute of Materials Genomic Engineering, Shanghai University, first addressed the opening ceremony of the forum on behalf of the college. Professor Liu Yi reviewed the original intention of the establishment of the Institute of Materials Genomic Engineering and introduced the significance of holding the forum. China and China learn from each other, broaden their minds, and keep making progress, which contributes to the development of the country's material industry and becomes the backbone of the country.

    Then, more than 10 lecturers including Gu Yarong, a PhD student, and Wang Jiahao, a graduate student, shared their latest research results in their respective fields. The graduate students were well prepared and reported that the PPT was well-made. The audience also actively participated in the discussion after the report. During the tea break, graduate students in different fields conducted more in-depth discussions. In the selection of the best posters, the lecturers conducted mutual evaluation on the composition, expression and visual effects of the posters, and selected the 6 best ones. Posters were awarded. At the end of the forum, Vice President Liu Yi took a group photo with the keynote speakers and the students who participated in the forum.

    This material design forum was hosted by the Institute of Materials Genomic Engineering of Shanghai University. With the full support of the college and the cooperation of teachers and students, the material design forum was a complete success. Platform. It further strengthened the cultivation of graduate students' innovative ability in our college, focused on showing the academic style of graduate students in our college, effectively enhanced the scientific research atmosphere, and played a positive role in promoting the all-round development of students.

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