
    MGI was Awarded the Advanced Laboratory of SHU
    创建时间:  2019-06-20  吕涛    浏览次数:

    In June 2019, the Shanghai University Laboratory Construction Management Committee reviewed and voted to determine that a total of 10 units in the school were awarded the Shanghai University Laboratory Advanced Group in the 2017-2018 academic year, and 21 individuals were awarded the title of advanced workers. The results of the awards have been announced and have come into effect.

    MGI has won the title of Advanced Collective Laboratory, and it is also the only award-winning secondary unit.
    Since 2016, under the unified deployment of the Institute and the advancement and coordination of the Laboratory Construction and Informatization Committee, teachers and students of the whole school have joined hands to participate in the laboratory construction. Computing, advanced energy materials and smart materials research and development platform. Over the past three years, our institute has achieved remarkable results in laboratory planning and construction, public instrument platform construction, laboratory safety construction and management, instrument sharing and management, and publicity and display. The two experimental buildings have been successfully opened, with an area of more than 10,000. Square meters; a total of more than 2500 receiving equipment, including more than 140 large-scale instruments and equipment; more than 130 large-scale valuable instruments and equipment have been running normally, equipment service machines are constantly increasing; laboratory safety management from scratch, was listed as a school in 2018 Sample house. Especially in 2018, many teachers took the initiative to work overtime under the pressure of high-level project investment, urgent execution time, heavy task of installing large-scale instruments and equipment, urgent task of laboratory construction in Building 7, and large-scale equipment running together. Work, and finally completed the work arranged by the college well. This time, our institute won the title of Advanced Collective of the Laboratory as a whole, which is an affirmation of the work performance of the past three years, especially in 2018.

    In addition, Dr. Shi Quan was awarded the title of Advanced Worker. Dr. Shi Quan has done a lot of effective work in laboratory planning and construction, promotion and coordination of equipment demonstration purchase of high-level projects, equipment purchase and management, and laboratory safety construction. This award is also a full recognition of Teacher Shi Quan's work in the past year.
    The above achievements are also inseparable from the tireless efforts of the Laboratory Construction and Information Construction Committee and Professor Li Qian. The members of the laboratory construction and Professor Li Qian stated that they will continue to work hard to serve the college's high-level construction and research and teaching activities.

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