
    The 6th Asian Materials Data Symposium was Successfully Held in SHU
    创建时间:  2019-04-19  吕涛    浏览次数:

    The 6th Asian Materials Data Symposium (AMDS2019) was successfully held on April 15-18, 2019 in our university. This conference is sponsored by the Materials Genome Engineering Research Institute of Shanghai University and the Material Genetic Components Society of the Chinese Materials Research Society. Institute, Korea Institute of Materials Science, Korea Institute of Ceramics Engineering and Technology and Shanghai Materials Genomic Engineering Institute. The chairman of the meeting was Academician Zhang Tongyi. More than one hundred experts and representatives from the United States, Germany, Japan, Belgium, Vietnam, South Korea, India and other foreign, Hong Kong and domestic universities and institutions attended the conference.

    The opening ceremony was delivered by Academician Zhang Tong, Chairman of the conference, and Ms. Le Thi Hong Lien, Chairman of the Asian Material Data Committee. The conference topics include materials database and data management, data-driven new methods for material development, high-throughput experiments and computational data. The meeting arranges invitation reports, oral reports and poster presentations. Academician Peter Voorhees from Northwestern University, Professor Yuri Grin of the Institute of Chemical Solid State Physics, Max Planck, Germany, Professor Yibin Xu of the National Institute of Materials Science, Japan, and Dr. Le Thi Hong Lien of the Vietnam Institute of Materials Science, American Standards and Technology Research Dr. Zachary Trautt of the Institute, Dr. Ho Won Lee of the Korea Institute of Materials Science, and scientific research institutions in the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan, Belgium, India, etc., and domestic Hong Kong City University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, University of Science and Technology of China, University of Science and Technology of China, South China University of Technology and other well-known experts and scholars at home and abroad made wonderful reports, fully demonstrated the advanced results in the field of material data at home and abroad, and provided a platform for exchanges and cooperation between researchers and users of material data in Asia and other countries. The material database has achieved the international, universal and cooperative goals.

    The conference had a strong academic atmosphere, and participants enthusiastically spoke, exchanged ideas, and shared experiences. The conference played an active role in promoting academic and technical exchanges in the field of material databases and promoting international cooperation in the field.

    During the meeting, the "Asian Material Data Committee" plenary was held at the same time. The meeting discussed the committee's annual work plan and arrangements, and held discussions on the holding of the seventh Asian Material Data International Conference. After discussion by the committee, the Asian Material Data Conference 2021 will be held in Japan.

    上一条:MGI was Awarded the Advanced Laboratory of SHU

    下一条:Academician Zhang Tongyi Won the Science and Technology Progress Award of the He Liang Heli Fund